New data available

Louis Reymondin

Check the data section, we have new data available for download. Terra-i generates maps of habitat changes every 16 days for each MODIS tile in Latin America from 2004 to the current date.

Check our download section, you'll find all our new data fresh out of the oven. The data will be updated every 3 months with a delay of 15 days with the MODIS satellite, in order to fulfill the purpose of being an early warning system that allows environmental authorities to make decisions on time and set priorities for conservation.

The data are available in compressed ascii grids. You can download a grid for each individual 16 days period or in an annually cumulated manner (from January 1 to December 31). Latin America has been split into different tiles with the same extent and ID than the MODIS tiles. Terra-i spatial resolution is the same than the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) vegetation index from the MODIS product MOD13Q1 and is about 250m.

The portal has two systems which allow to access the data of habitat loss. One is the MapViewer where you can view the results of Terra-i for Latin America between 2004 and the current date in an ArcGIS Server application. On the other hand, you can download the data by going to the download section. To access both platforms, you have to be logged in the portal. You can create an account by filling the registration form.

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